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The Podcast Digest

A podcast about the people who bring you the best shows around! Go 'behind the scenes' of your current and soon-to-be favorite podcasts!

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Jun 28, 2015

Taylor Martin, host of the Untethered Podcast, and creator of MOD joins me to talk about working in Technology, his drive to start his own company, receiving feedback from some of the craziest people on the internet and his future plans for MOD!  In the first ever in person interview on The Podcast Digest,...

Jun 21, 2015

Brian Koppelman, host of "The Moment" from Slate joined for a great discussion about his excellent podcast! We cover his interview preparation, his favorite episodes, the key "moments" in Brian's career and what it's like to talk to those people you motivate and inspire you!

Brian has a long and impressive resume in the...

Jun 14, 2015

Neil and Annaleis from Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks (Twitter, Website) joined me for over an hour of hilarity and inappropriateness! Find out how they met, what starting the show was like, their thoughts on the podcast community and how Annaleis (@wiretechgirl) keeps Neil (@AngelsFreak7) under control in public!  What...

Jun 11, 2015

Sean, Roy and Henno from Moving the Needle join me for a great chat about their evolving show, booking guests, their excellent host roster, listener feedback, and the independent podcast community!  Moving the Needle is one of the most dynamic, evolving, interesting and all around entertaining pop culture podcasts I...

Jun 7, 2015

Molly, Michelle, Ray and Ben from Couple Things Podcast joined me to tell them about launching their show, how they chose the name, what their roles are on their show and what it's like to podcast from a car!  And so much more!  Two couples get together and the results are one of the most entertaining shows you'll hear!...