Jul 7, 2017
TPD Fans,
Well, it's time to make it official. TPD will be taking a break for a little bit this summer. In recent weeks, especially the SOLO shows, I've shared some of the details of what's been going on with new show releases and everything is now coming together to create a whirlwind that have pretty much forced me to put down the mic... But just for a little while! The show WILL be back, with new content, just as soon as I can. This summer has been hectic already for me and I expect that to continue for the next several weeks. Even producing these SOLO shows and FLASHBACK episodes have been a bit challenging.
Right now, I have to focus on my professional life a bit. I'm being laid off from my day job of 11 years and am taking my life in a brand new direction! That of a business owner! Right now, I need to dive in, fully, and commit all of my resources into the planning and execution of a successful launch of this enterprise! Before too long, I hope to find a routine. One that will allow me to bring back TPD stronger than ever!
I'll provide some updates here, but many more on Twitter. It's my main platform of communication with all of the awesome listeners of TPD! So, be sure to follow me over there - @poddigest - if you aren't already!
I'm not going to put an exact date of this break, because I really don't know. And if I have an awesome interview drop in my lap, I may surprise you, so PLEASE stay subscribed and go ahead and check out some of the back catalog if you haven't heard them all!
Thank you all so much and stay tuned!